Cloud Seeding - One Lawsuit Could Bankrupt Clark County

04/10/2024—Previous and current commissioners have placed Clark County, the state's least funded and least populated county, in a vulnerable position.

Point #1 

Who Do We Publicly List as Employees? 

The following is from the Transparent Idaho website. The state controller's office produces the website and aims to provide transparency to all Idaho citizens.

Note: To Print or Download the document below, hold your cursor over the document, click on the "Pop-out" arrow icon in the upper right-hand corner, and click on the print or download icon on that page.

Transparent Idaho list of Clark County employees.pdf

Essential facts about the above employee listing:

Point #2 

Actual Clark County Employees

The county clerk provided the following document via a public record request. It shows the listing of county 1099 contractors and W-2 employees.

 Note: A person who provides labor/service to the county government must be paid on a 1099 or W-2 basis. A 1099 basis is a contract worker for whom the government does not pay payroll taxes (Social Security, Medicare). On a W-2 basis, the county government pays payroll taxes (Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment, Worker's Comp, PERSI retirement, and medical insurance) if the employee meets hours worked requirements.

 The following report first lists 1099-based workers paid by the county government. Following the 1099 report are the W-2 employees.

Note: To Print or Download the document below, hold your cursor over the document, click on the "Pop-out" arrow icon in the upper right-hand corner, and click on the print or download icon on that page.


Essential facts about the above 1099 and W-2 employee report:

These facts underscore the citizens' right to transparency. It is crucial for all citizens, including the 285,000+ residents of Clark, Bonneville, Madison, Jefferson, Fremont, Bingham, and Power counties, to be fully informed about the financial details of cloud-seeding. I have not spoken to anyone outside of current or former clerk's office employees who knew that cloud-seeding employees were on the county payroll as W-2 employees to secure liability coverage. I was also first denied public record requests about cloud seeding because I was told funding for cloud seeding comes from private money. However, this needs to be more accurate. About $30,000 in public funding comes from these county governments. All citizens have the right to see cloud-seeding financial details.

Point #3 

ICRMP (Idaho Counties Risk Management Program)

Clark County pays a yearly premium to ICRMP to provide our liability insurance for all county employees. The following is an email exchange with the county clerk about how county employees are covered.

The main points I take from the above email exchange are the following:

Here are the current contracts between Clark County and Let It Snow, Inc. and between Clark County and High Country RC&D. 

Note: The county clerk provided these contracts via a public record request.

 Note the liability coverage requirements of $500,000 in the aggregate. Given the amount of damage flooding can cause, this seems very low. I had to have $2,000,000 in liability coverage in my professional software consulting business and pay for it. My county did not pay for it for me, and other companies here in Clark County also do not get their liability insurance paid for. Clark County does not assume all their risk either. How is this business entanglement not illegal, especially considering Clark County's registered voters were never allowed to approve it on a ballot initiative? At the very least, this seems incompetent and irresponsible.

Note: To Print or Download the document below, hold your cursor over the document, click on the "Pop-out" arrow icon in the upper right-hand corner, and click on the print or download icon on that page.

Cloud Seeding Contracts 2023-2024.pdf

Note: There are concerns about potential flooding in the High Country RC&D contract above.

Point #4

Clark County's Reserve Budget

The Clark County budget, as posted in the Jefferson Star in September 2023, is listed below.

Note: To Print or Download the document below, hold your cursor over the document, click on the "Pop-out" arrow icon in the upper right-hand corner, and click on the print or download icon on that page.


Here are the essential points from this budget. I discussed these points with the commissioners in the budget hearing in September 2023:

Point #5 - Summaries

-- Allen Laird, Clark County Resident, 986-999-2338,