Eyes On Clark County - Cloud Seeding - Commissioner Greg Shenton fails to respond - More public scrutiny required

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Clark County 2023-2024 ICRMP Policy

Received from county clerk via Public Records Request

Per the county clerk, this document serves as the entire "certificate" of liability insurance to High Country RC&D.

NOTE: There is no mention of cloud seeding in this document.

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Clark County (created Sep-08-2023).pdf

ICRMP Joint Powers Subscriber Agreement (all members must agree)

Received from county clerk via Public Records Request

Statement in this document: ARTICLE IV. SCOPE OF POLICY OF INSURANCE. (3) In the event that a claim or a series of claims exceeds the amount of coverage provided by the member’s policy of insurance, payment of claims and expenses are the sole and separate obligation of the individual member or members against whom the claim was made resulting from litigation or settlement. No member shall be entitled to a contribution from other members to cover the cost of claims that exceed the coverage or limits of its policy of insurance, or are not covered by its policy of insurance.

Note: As stated in an email exchange with the county clerk, ICRMP said it only covers W2 employees listed on a given member's yearly W3 IRS report. Let It Snow, Inc. employees are only included on Clark County's payroll -- no other counties. So, it seems Clark County is solely responsible for all claim amounts above the Clark County policy coverage amount (believed to be $500,000). But, even if all counties shared in a large lawsuit claim ($50 million) it would still bankrupt Clark County--maybe other counties, too. We are open to a clarification from Clark County officials if there is one. Regardless, we still want Clark County removed as the middleman in cloud seeding, as the ballot initiative requests.

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