Eyes On Clark County - Cloud Seeding - Meeting with Jefferson County Prosecutor - He agrees Jefferson County is not liable


On 07/08/2024, I met with Jefferson County Prosecutor Mark Taylor at his conference room in Rigby. Over 75 minutes, we reviewed the most recent High Country RC&D / Clark County contract, the most recent Let It Snow, Inc. / Clark County contract, the most recent Clark County ICRMP policy, and the ICRMP Joint Powers Subscriber Agreement document (which auto-renews).

During the meeting, Mark agreed that Jefferson County has no liability if a lawsuit occurs against Clark County and its cloud-seeding employees. Jefferson County is not a signee on contracts requiring liability insurance, nor are any other counties.

During the meeting, Mark also agreed that the 5C Detention Center liability insurance is not the same as cloud-seeding. The five counties associated with the 5C Detention own the center jointly. The counties participating in cloud-seeding do not jointly own High Country RC&D or Let It Snow, Inc.

If Jefferson County is not liable in a cloud-seeding lawsuit, neither would Bonneville, Madison, Fremont, Bingham, and Power counties.

Therefore, we (the lead petitioners) believe the mailer from 5/1/2024 misled the registered voters and residents of Clark County. No proof has yet been provided that ICRMP will cover anything beyond what is stated in the individual coverage amounts for Clark County only. Cloud-seeding employees are only on Clark County's W2/W3 payroll, not other counties.

Commissioner Greg Shenton, the chairman, has continued to fail to answer our questions for about sixty days and provide proof, via signatures from all parties, including other county commissioners, signed before the date of 11/01/2023, that all counties equally share in a cloud-seeding lawsuit.

-- Allen Laird, Clark County Resident, 986-999-2338, allen_laird@outlook.com